表1-1:十个“笨蛋” l 准备不充分(Not being Prepared) l 内容不充实 (Inadequate Content) l 材料不规整(Not Delivering the goods) l 使受训者经常厌烦 (Constantly boring the trainees) l 信息过多(Overload of information) l 误解组织(Misreading the group) l 步骤简单(Poor Pacing) l 练习的遗漏(Omission of Practice) l 奇怪和令人困惑的言行表现(Odd or distracting Visuals or Verbals) n 对问题把握不准(Poor handling of questions) 把每句话的首个单词组合起来,我们就会得到“笨蛋”(Nincompoop)———大多数讲师喜欢这样记忆! 表1-2:十个“可怜的结局”: l 缺乏计划的表达( Poorly Planned Visuals) l 不恰当的幽默 (Offensive or inappropriate humour) l 不适当的穿着(over-or under-dressing) l 超时讲课 (Running Overtime) l 迟到(Running late for the Start) l 缺乏眼神交流(Eye-contact missing) l 总时背对大家 (Showing your back too often) l 低效地使用多媒体(Under-Utilising the media available) l 缺乏感染力(Lack of enthusiasm) l 没有结论(Total lack of Conclusion) 若再把以上几要点的首个字母连起来,且如果讲师确实存在以上错误,那么将会得到一个“可怜的结局(Poor result)”。