2018-09-24 2579

 Recently, the Global Chinese President's Excellent Marketing Instructor and the first person in China's advertising media training, Peng Xiaodong, the founder and head coach of the brand competition and cutting leadership art, are invited by Sydney Radio, Sydney Morning Post, Sydney Network, Sydney Outdoor, etc. The Industry Summit Forum also made a wonderful keynote speech on "Brand Competitiveness". 近日全球华人总裁卓越行销力导师暨中国广告传媒培训,品牌竞合力暨切割领导力艺术创始人兼总教练彭小东导师应澳大利亚广播电视,悉尼晨报,悉尼网络,悉尼户外等的邀请出席产业高峰论坛并做了《品牌竞合力》的精彩主题演讲。

Their sharing is original and wonderful. Next, Mr. Peng Xiaodong from China is invited. We look forward to his sharing theme "Brand Competitiveness"……他们的分享都很原创和精彩,接下来有请来自中国的彭小东先生,我们期待他的分享主题《品牌竞合力》……

Peng Xiaodong's mentor first emphasized that brands have no borders, such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Apple, etc., brands have no small things, brands do details, brands sell stories, brands want to spread, in social media, new media, from the media era, what is a brand? How to do it well? Especially from the brand self-propagation, Peng Xiaodong's mentor gave detailed and original explanations, and gave practical tools and methods, strategies and techniques, processes and steps!彭小东导师首先强调品牌无国界,如宝马,奔驰,苹果等等,品牌无小事,品牌做细节,品牌卖故事,品牌要传播,在社交媒体,新媒体,自媒体时代,什么是品牌?如何做好?尤其是自品牌自传播等彭小东导师给出了详细精彩原创的阐述,并给出了实操实战的工具和方法,策略以及技巧,流程和步骤!


Image = business card

Thought = product

Wisdom = communication

Life = marketing power






At the same time, Peng Xiaodong's instructor also shared the original dry goods practical skills and methods of advertising and sales, and the 13351+2 tools for advertising sales. The 120 service rules, the secrets of advertising sales, the hidden weapon, the sword, the dragon knife, etc. Etc., specialization and standardization of advertising sales, systematic and professional, professional and professional dedication.同时彭小东导师还为大家分享了自己多年来广告销售的原创干货实战实操实用技巧策略和方法以及广告销售的13351+2工具,120服务法则,广告销售的秘笈绝招暗器倚天剑,屠龙刀等等,广告销售专业化系统化流程化和标准化,专一专业事业敬业等等。

Peng Xiaodong Instructor: Global Chinese President's Excellent Marketing Instructor and China's first advertising media training, brand competition and cutting leadership art founder and head coach, focusing on advertising media, business management consulting training, boss internal reference, president wisdom. 22 years of practical experience!彭小东导师:全球华人总裁卓越行销力导师暨中国广告传媒培训,品牌竞合力暨切割领导力艺术创始人兼总教练,专注于广告传媒,企业管理咨询培训,老板内参,总裁智慧。22年工作实战经历! (未完待续,版权归彭小东导师所有,违者必究!部分观点及言论来自网络或彭小东导师授课内容整理,如有侵权请及时告知!关注媒微信公众号并查看历史消息,更多原创实战干货精彩分享!欢迎转发,敬请注明作者及出处,更诚挚的邀请您亲临彭小东导师课堂聆听彭小东导师现场精彩演讲!)

Media unbounded ----- Biography no boundaries, no media, up to the world! Founder trademark holder: Peng Xiaodong

Look forward to various forms of international and domestic cooperation;

媒 -----传无疆,媒,达天下!创始人商标持有人:彭小东


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